Kathy and her new "bottom fishing rig"...caught 5 small fish yesterday.

Some friend came to visit....Larry, Arlean and Steve,,,,aboard the Perigrine, one of our buddy boats. We always have at lleast one get-together once we arrive at a new anchorage. This is in Puerto Escandido.

During our visit to the Loretofest we took a taxi into Loreto and spent one night in a bed that didn't move. Great treat. this is one of the town squares in the historic part of the City. Found a good coffee place....of course.

Some kaycking was done......

So here is the "Dolphin" in calm waters off of Puerto Escandido during Loretofest....a 3 day "cruise-in" with 124 boats from all over the Sea of Cortez and the Mexican Mainland. Spent a week there enjoying the festivities. Kathy went to a few fishing lectures, me, I played bocce ball and cam in third with my friend steve from UBUNTU, one of our "buddy boats.
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