We hauled our boat out to paint the bottom (it is good to apply special paint every 2 years to keep the critters from growing on the boat bottom) and it was time to remove all the years of accumulted paint and redo it all. We got an expert to look at the boat and he suggested we remove all the paint and let the boat dry out for 2 months! (I KNOW I WILL NEVER GET OUT OF LA PAZ). We are also taking the opportunity to do some repairs to the hull, put in a new tranducer, new inspecti0n ports in the diesel tanks and other "stuff".
We will head on over to Mazatlan with a friend on his boat. We will get to be his crew! We sure didn't want to miss Carnival and I am sure ready to see more than La Paz. It is really wonderful here though. Great people, great food and the weather is amazing!! I have flip flop suntan marks on my feet. I haven't worn a pair of shoes in months.
We are staying at a really cute Bed and Breakfast. We have a little apartment that is very nice within walking distance to the boatyard. I tried staying on the boat in the boat yard but we can't use the bathroom or water and the trip up and down the ladder was too much!!
We won't get to cruise south this year because of the late start so we have decided just to sail the Sea of Cortez this year and be in Loreto for Loreto Fest which I have heard is a lot of fun. We had wanted to spend the hurricaine season in El Salvador but guess we won't make it this year.
We will spend a couple of months in the US for the hottest part of the summer. Can't wait to see the grandkids!!!
All in all I am really enjoying life. I started a new mosaic and I am trying to work some and play some. It is easy to get caught up doing nothing but boat projects! Robert brought his good road bike back with him from San Diego so he is a much happier camper now.
Our next plan is to visit the grey whales in Magdelena Bay. It will be a 2 day trip with an overnight somewhere, then we will go out in pangas right up to the whales! The whales have had their babies now and are wintering here in Mexico. I am really looking forward to that!!
Hope all are well back home. We miss you!!! Kathy
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