After a very busy summer visiting 7 states, the Grand Canyon, Roslin NM, Carlsbad Caverns, Kathy’s children in TX, sister in Cal and picking up parts in San Diego, we made our way back to the Blue Dolphin in San Carlos MX. Upon arrival we had a lot of work to do to “re-commission” the boat as we had prepared it for the hurricane season by removing everything on deck and “plugging” as many holes as we could. Unfortunately I forgot and missed closing all the holes on the main mast and when we arrived discovered we had a bee’s nest inside the mast. We tried to politely remove them or have the bees removed “professionally” but to no avail and we had to resort to “mass-annihilation” using a Honda generator exhaust.
It took 4 days and 2 bee stings before we were 90% rid of them.
After a week or so in San Carlos we picked up our friends and crew for this season, Nils and Carolyn, a German couple that we had met in La Paz the previous season while they were on a extended cycling trip that would have taken them from Alaska to Argentina.
After 2 weeks or so we were “on the road” again, so to speak and along with our “ buddy boats, Aquadesiac and Perigrine, we made our way to Topolabumpo, a commercial port half way between San Carlos and Mazatlan, 225 miles.
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